
Foreign Ministry handing-over ceremony (25 June 2013)

26 Jun 2013

Foreign Ministry handing-over ceremony (25 June 2013)

 D. AVRAMOPOULOS: First of all, we apologize for the slight delay. Many of you got here a lot earlier, but, as always, we had a very interesting and useful discussion with the Deputy Prime Minister and the new Foreign Minister, whom I would like to welcome to our Ministry and wish, above all, every success in his new duties.

Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos' speech in the American Jewish Committee’s annual Global Forum

4 Jun 2013

Ομιλία στο ετήσιο συνέδριο του American Jewish Committee

Dear friends,

Robert Elman and David Harris,

Allow me to tell you that, as I feel it, I am among this fantastic gathering, and I have the feeling that I am among members of my family.

It is not an exaggeration if I tell you that I don’t come from Athens but all the way down from Jerusalem. I was there three days ago, and I have taken with me the cordiality and friendship of the people of Israel.

Foreign Minister Avramopoulos’s interview in the Athens weekly “Paraskinio”, with journalist Spyros Papadakis

1 Jun 2013

JOURNALIST: In just a few days, you will have been Foreign Minister for a year. Can you give us an account of your time in office?

D. AVRAMOPOULOS: Over the past year, Greek diplomacy has been systematically activated, with the goal of repairing the damage done to the country’s image by the economic crisis. At the same time, it worked methodically, contributing to, among other things, the creation of a climate conducive, on the international level, to strengthening the Greek economy’s activities abroad, attracting investments and enhancing our relations with key partners of the Eurozone.

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